
I hold a DSc in Plant Pathology from Universidade Federal de Pelotas (2004) and had the privilege of a one-year visit to Cornell University at the Bergstrom Lab. Following that, I spent two years as a postdoctoral associate working on a project related to disease risk assessment and prediction at the Yang Lab, Iowa State University. Currently, I am employed at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), where I am involved in both teaching and student mentoring (masters and doctorate) responsibilities. You can get access to my peer-reviewed publications in my academic profile websites: ORCID, publons, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, or Lattes.


I’ve been involved in scholarly peer-review since early in my career. I’ve served as associate editor for a few journals, including Plant Disease. Currently, I am Editor in Chief for Tropical Plant Pathology, the journal of the Brazilian Phytopathological Society Since 2022, I am also serving as associate editor for the CABI Agriculture & Bioscience (Plant Pathology Section) and the European Journal of Plant Pathology journals.

Open Science

I strongly advocate for an open and reproducible research model and culture that may ultimately contribute to a more accessible, transparent and reliable science. This led me to co-found Open Plant Pathology initiative together with Adam Sparks. In my Lab, we make use of R language for all statistical and data science related activities. All data and computational codes produced during our research are made available ahead of peer-review. You can find our code on GitHub. The research outcomes are organized and shared as a research compendium and preprints of manuscripts are archived in Open Science Framework (OSF).

Talks and videos

Slides of some of my talks are hosted in my Speakerdeck account and full videos of talks and lectures can be found on my YouTube channel.